
The JOY of being an Entrepreneur

Why do entrepreneurs take great risks?
What is the JOY of being an entrepreneur?

Money is not the pot of gold at the end of their rainbow and neither is the allure of fame and fortune.

Research has proved that they are motivated by adventure, creation, competition and persistence that keeps their adrenaline flowing continuously. Also being an entrepreneur provides ample opportunity to explore the quest.

Their motivation is the experience of deep gratification of contributing towards the fulfillment of purpose. To live, hoard wealth, build family, travel around the world and have a good retirement plan is definitely is not their purpose.

For the Entrepreneur, creativity is both the starting point and the reason for continued success.It is the secret formula by which an entrepreneur tends to overcome obstacles and outsmarts competition.

Entrepreneurs tend to believe in their purpose for life and living and have a renewed zest for life. They take ownership, be persistent and utilize their strengths and passions. The thought of being a conduit to pass on the creativity and dream spurs them into action. This is also the value that they chose to build their life purpose. They can bring purposeful play to almost any situation and find or create ways to have each day be a reflection of their true joy and purpose.

So the next time you see an entrepreneur and think they must be crazy for taking such risks, or dream of quitting your job to pursue a startup and become fabulously rich, make sure you check your assumptions, ponder your motivations, and reflect on the true drivers of great entrepreneurship.

To sum it, entrepreneurs’ JOY comes from striving to create and innovate to build something of recognized value around perceived opportunities